Archaeology Header

Mayan Art

Ancient monuments (a statue. building or other structure) often dazzle us, be it their sheer size, grandeur or age. As archaeologists, we believe that cultures with great pyramids, temples, standing stones and tombs must be highly developed. Monumental architecture is often seen as a sign of a civilization that is highly developed, having cities, a great ruler, a goverment, an army, upper and lower classes and control of a wide area of land amongst other things.


Olmec Head

This artefact displays a 3D model of a large rock. Tapping the rock will reveal a monumental Olmec head, demonstrating the process of carving one from stone.

Olmec Head

Where is this?

A button titled "Where is this?" will appear at the top right of your screen when looking at the Olmec head. Clicking this will take you to a 3D globe demonstrating where Olmec heads like this can be found.

Where is this?

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